For 国际申请者

W&L welcomes applicants from all over the world!


为班.S. citizens, all school documents including recommendation letters must be submitted in English. 如果适用的话, official school-leaving examination scores for the final four years of secondary school must be submitted with your admission application. If coursework or other preparation for a school-leaving examination is in progress, please submit predicted scores. Examples of school-leaving examinations include IGCSE O level, 普通中等教育证书, IB, WASSCE, KCSE, 方式, 和ISC.


  • 一个完整的 常见的应用程序, 联合应用 or QuestBridge应用程序
  • 签名 提前决定协议 (如果你决定申请的话 早期的决定)
  • An official copy of your high school transcript (International applicants should include final or predicted school leaving exam results, 如果适用的话)
  • Official scores from the TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Test (required for some students, please see the full policy 的适用性)
  • Two teacher recommendations
  • One recommendation letter from your guidance or college counselor
  • 的 common 应用程序 Secondary School Report form, completed by your guidance or college counselor
  • International Certification of Financial Responsibility form


Our mission is to make a Washington and Lee education affordable for all admitted students. We offer both merit-based scholarships and need-based financial aid. 的 约翰逊奖学金 application serves as the application for all merit scholarships at W&L and is found on the Writing Supplement to the 常见的应用程序. QuestBridge applicants are not required to submit the additional scholarship application. 探索我们的 financial aid information 了解更多.

Certification of Financial Responsibility

Washington and Lee University requires submission of a completed International Certification of Financial Responsibility form before rendering an admission decision. This form asks you to specify funding sources — including personal and family savings, 政府资金, and/or other sponsorship — and note your intention of applying for need-based financial aid and merit-based scholarships. 的 form will be available to you in your W&L 申请人门户 after submitting your Common App, 联合应用, or QuestBridge应用程序. 的 form must be submitted by the application deadline for your intended decision round.


International applicants applying for need-based financial aid may request a CSS Profile fee waiver. Fee waiver requests will be reviewed and denied or granted by the following dates:

  • 提前决定1:11月11日. 15
  • 早期决定II: 1月11日. 15
  • QuestBridge: 2月. 7
  • 定期决定:2月. 7

申请 Scholarships and International 金融援助

约翰逊奖学金 助学金


Since many international students are coming from educational systems that are different from that of the U.S., we find it valuable to view an unscripted interview in which each applicant may discuss their unique background and goals.

校友 interviews are not available for international students living abroad, 葡萄牙除外, 墨西哥和英国, and we are not able to offer Skype or phone interviews. 然而, international applicants may participate in an interview conducted by a third party provider such as InitialView, Duolingo, 或Vericant. 的se companies conduct and record the interview so it can be reviewed later by our office. InitialView, Duolingo, or Vericant are not able to answer questions about W&L, so please direct any questions about W&L 招生


应用程序 申请的最后期限 测试的截止日期* 金融援助 应用程序 通知日期
提前决定第一轮 11月1日 坐10月. 5,
10月行动. 26
12月1日 12月下旬
约翰逊奖学金 12月1日 坐12月. 3,
12月行动. 10
不同* * 3月下旬
提前决定第二轮 1月1日 坐12月. 7,
12月行动. 14
1月15日 1月下旬
常规的决定 1月1日 坐12月. 7,
12月行动. 14
2月15日 4月1日前

*For first-year undergraduate applicants to the Class of 2029, submitting SAT or ACT scores is optional. For more information, please read our standardized testing policy.

**Financial aid application deadlines are based on your admission application decision choice (早期的决定 1 or 2, 普通的决定).