



当我拜访全国各地的校友时, I’m often asked about the greatest challenges facing Washington and Lee. A scan of the headlines paints a grim picture of higher education:  corrupt 招生 practices; soaring tuition prices and crippling student loans; campus culture wars; graduates poorly prepared for today’s economy; struggling schools on the brink of closure and wealthy ones hoarding large endowments.

这些都是严重的全国性问题. 但是它们如何应用于W呢&L?

Journalists and legislators often present higher education as if it were a homogeneous industry in which all colleges and universities — public and private, 大大小小的, for-profit and non-profit — shared the same objectives and challenges. Such portrayals obscure essential differences among types of institutions and make it difficult for students and families to perceive the distinguishing features of particular schools.

Imagine reading a news article declaring that restaurants are overpriced, overcrowded, and unhealthy. 好吧,其中一些是. But you can find good value, service, and food if you know where to look. This is true of high-end steak houses as well as hole-in-the-wall barbeque joints.  Lumping all restaurants into one category, and failing to make careful distinctions between establishments, would make it harder for people to find the dining experiences that will satisfy their needs.

Generalization makes no more sense for higher education than it does for the restaurant business.  社区学院, 公立大学, and private liberal arts institutions serve different purposes, and particular schools of each type have different strengths and weaknesses.

Prospective students want to find colleges and universities that fit their educational goals. Parents and alumni deserve to know the priorities of the schools they support. Trustees and administrators need to understand the opportunities and risks faced by the institutions they lead. 

W在哪里?ashington and Lee fit within the higher education landscape?

One way to answer this question is to consider the schools with whom we compete most frequently for students. At the top of the list are our two closest state flagship institutions — the University of Virginia and the University of North Carolina. These are followed by the best private universities in the South and in the Ivy League — including Duke, 威克森林, 普林斯顿大学, 和达特茅斯. The list is rounded out by the two national liberal arts colleges in our neighborhood — the University of Richmond and Davidson.

像W&L, these schools are highly selective in 招生, devote substantial resources to educational quality and provide first-rate facilities. 吸引最优秀的学生和教师, 和这群人竞争, we must make the case for the distinctive nature of what we do at Washington and Lee.

Over the course of this year, I’ll share with you my thoughts on “why W&L” — the ways we stand out within higher education, and how we are intentionally building upon our considerable strengths in the service of an even brighter future. I’ll address the real challenges we face, while also explaining how the rhetoric in the national headlines fails to do justice to schools like Washington and Lee that offer an exceptional education for a lifetime at a good value today.

威廉·C. 达德利签名




什么是W&L apart among the nation’s colleges and universities?



Why is a top liberal arts education is so expensive? 这些钱在W&L?



High quality liberal arts education is expensive. 值得吗?? 你花的钱换来了什么?



Two years ago, I launched 独特的W&L. 然后大流行来了. 在这段时间里我们学到了什么?



Who are the students lucky enough to gain access to W&L? 他们怎么负担得起呢?

Personal Pricing, Private Endowments, and the Public Good

Personal Pricing, Private Endowments, and the Public Good

大学定价令人困惑. 但这种疯狂是有办法的. The model -- crazy as it may seem -- improves the quality of education for every student and increases our contribution to the public good.

Free Inquiry and Expression on College 校园es

Free Inquiry and Expression on College 校园es

Concerns about freedom of speech at colleges and universities arise in response to a variety of well-publicized phenomena. W在哪里?&我在这些问题上的立场?



The ostensible purpose of rankings is to guide students and families who are making important decisions about which college or university to attend. The subsequent proliferation of rankings has bred confusion rather than enlightenment.