

2021年3月5日下午2:15 -虚拟事件

另一方面,教育意味着解放. 它意味着光明和自由. It means the uplifting of the soul of man into the glorious light of truth, 只有靠这光,人们才能获得自由. To deny education to any people is one of the greatest crimes against human nature.”
Frederick 道格拉斯, Blessings of Liberty 和 Education (1894)

2021年的荣誉学院, we pause to reexamine one of America’s greatest orators 和 most perceptive autobiographers, the African-American leader Frederick 道格拉斯 (1818-1895). 在他迷人的一生中, 道格拉斯, 出生在塔尔博特县的逃亡奴隶, Maryl和 emerged as one of America’s deepest thinkers on the ethical questions surrounding American identity, 关于种族, 和 on the issues of racial inequality in the nineteenth-century United States. A study of his life is indeed a study of how our nation encounters 和 addresses one of the great ethical challenges of American history, how Americans reckon with the legacy 和 memory of enslavement. 道格拉斯是, 正如历史学家大卫·布莱特所言, 美国历史经验的“活先知”.

From political outsider 和 radical abolitionist to political insider 和 Republican Party functionary, 道格拉斯 underwent his own evolution during the Civil War era. 这是内心深处的道格拉斯深刻的自我反省, 一个愿意向新的高度挑战自己的人, that 枯萎病 beckons us to seek out in his writing on 道格拉斯’s life. 枯萎病 carefully reminds us that 道格拉斯 和 his ideas have been appropriated by a wide range of influential figures from across the political 和 ideological spectrum during the course of the twentieth 和 twenty-first century as well. He was called by one influential writer “the greatest American of all time.” The radicalism of his early abolitionism has been overlooked by some thinkers, 他自力更生的决心被别人忽视了. But, all of these ideas were bound up in the mind of this complex intellectual. 道格拉斯, 这个男人, was a remarkable person who lived through extraordinary times 和 events, 但他也, 正如大卫·布莱特提醒我们的那样, “完全和美丽的人类.” 枯萎病 tells us he understood “the multiply meanings of freedom…as perhaps no one else ever has in America.”

我们的2021年IFH主题演讲者. 大卫·W. 枯萎病 is Sterling Professor of History 和 Director of the Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, 电阻, 以及耶鲁大学的废奴运动. In October of 2018, Simon 和 Schuster published his biography 弗雷德里克·道格拉斯:自由的先知, which has won numerous book awards including the Pulitzer Prize in History, 吉尔德·雷曼·林肯奖, Bancroft历史奖, 以及弗朗西斯·帕克曼奖. 布莱特也是 弗雷德里克·道格拉斯的内战:保持对朱比利的信心 (1989); 种族与团聚:美国记忆中的内战 (2001), which garnered eight book awards including the Bancroft Prize, Merle Curti奖, the Abraham Lincoln Prize 和 the Frederick 道格拉斯 Prize. 他曾在伊利诺斯州的北中央学院任教, 在哈佛大学, 以及阿默斯特学院. 在他事业的初期, he spent seven years as a high school history teacher in his hometown of Flint, 密歇根. He was an undergraduate at 密歇根 State University 和 completed his Ph. D. 在威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校.


大卫·W. 枯萎病大卫·W. 枯萎病 is Sterling Professor of History 和 Director of the Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, 电阻, 以及耶鲁大学的废奴运动. 他曾在伊利诺斯州的北中央学院任教, 在哈佛大学, 以及阿默斯特学院. In October of 2018, Simon 和 Schuster published his new biography of Frederick 道格拉斯, entitled, 弗雷德里克·道格拉斯:自由的先知, which has won over seven book awards including the Pulitzer Prize in History, 吉尔德·雷曼·林肯奖, Bancroft历史奖, 以及弗朗西斯·帕克曼奖. 布莱特也是 弗雷德里克·道格拉斯的内战:保持对朱比利的信心 (1989); 种族与团聚:美国记忆中的内战 (2001), which garnered eight book awards including the Bancroft Prize, Merle Curti奖, the Abraham Lincoln Prize 和 the Frederick 道格拉斯 Prize; A Slave No More: Two Men Who Escaped to Freedom, Including Their Narratives of Emancipation (2008), which won the Connecticut book award for best book in non-fiction; 和 美国神谕:民权时代的内战 (2011), which won the Aniston-Wolf Prize in non-fiction for best book 关于种族 和 racism. 他编辑了六本书,其中包括《 弗雷德里克·道格拉斯的叙述 我的束缚与自由; W. E. B. 杜波依斯的 黑人的灵魂; 和 Robert Penn Warren's 谁为黑人说话. 枯萎病 is featured in many documentary films on American history on PBS, the BBC, 和 other networks. 他为这本书写了一章, To Dream A World Anew: A History of the African American People, a companion volume for the opening of the National Museum of African American History 和 Culture. 他经常为大众出版社撰稿, 包括大西洋, 纽约时报, 还有很多其他期刊. 枯萎病 was elected to the American Academy of 艺术 和 Sciences in 2012. His lecture course on the Civil War 和 Reconstruction Era at Yale is on Yale's open courses 网站. 布莱特总是先当老师. 在他事业的初期, he spent seven years as a high school history teacher in his hometown of Flint, 密歇根. He was an undergraduate at 密歇根 State University 和 did his Ph. D. 在威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校.

巴顿迈尔斯巴顿一个. 迈尔斯 是1960届的伦理学和历史学教授吗, associate professor of Civil War history 和 director of the Institute for Honor at Washington 和 Lee University. 他是获奖作品的作者 执行丹尼尔·布莱特:种族, 忠诚, 以及卡罗来纳沿海社区的游击暴力, 1861–1865 (路易斯安那州立大学出版社,2009)和 Rebels against the Confederacy: North Carolina's Unionists (剑桥大学. Press, 2014),并与Brian D. 麦克奈特的 The Guerrilla Hunters: Irregular Conflicts during the Civil War (路易斯安那州立大学出版社,2017). 迈尔斯只得了B.A. 从伍斯特学院和他的M.A. 和Ph值.D. 来自佐治亚大学. He teaches a number of popular American military history 和 public history courses, including his intensive battlefield travel course "The Art of Comm和 During the American Civil War." In 2008–2009, he was a Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation fellow for his research on violence, 攻击性和支配性. 最近, he served as a historian in the History Channel's documentary on the life of President 和 Gen. 尤利西斯S. Grant produced by historian Ron Chernow 和 actor Leonardo DiCaprio.


下午2:15 -节目欢迎和介绍
巴顿迈尔斯, Class of 1960 Professor of Ethics 和 History

下午2:30 -主题演讲
David 枯萎病, Sterling Professor of History, Yale University